Oprah's SuperSoul100


There are moments in your life when can’t quite believe you are alive in your own skin. Sunday, April 10th at 11am when Oprah walked into the brunch she was hosting at the OWN Studio in Los Angeles, California was that moment for us times a thousand.

She floated into the room with a glow and a style that can only be reserved for one of the most powerful and generous women in the world.

While she was making the rounds and welcoming all her SuperSoulers to the space, she came over to our table. Her eyes skimmed our group, spotted my tattoos and floated over to me. 

Oprah then proceeded to touch my arm and ask about the colorful ink I have up and down it. I wish I could tell you we had a delightful conversation about my tattoo choices, but honestly I was so in shock I blacked out during the entire conversation only able to recall making sparse eye contact with Komal like “OMFG IT’S OPRAH!!!!”.

So it is with great pleasure and excitement and gratitude that Komal and I share with you not only our Oprah stories, but the announcement that we have been named one of Oprah’s Supersoul100- a list honoring 100 extraordinary individuals that live life intentionally, create great social impact, and bring inspiration to others.

We couldn’t be more thrilled with this news, and can’t wait to collaborate and learn from Elizabeth Gilbert, Gina Rodriguez, Marie Forleo, Lin Manuel-Miranda and all the other amazing people listed in this group of game changers.

We are all featured in the latest issue of O Magazine, and you can also meet the whole list here!

Erin Bagwell