My Second Pregnancy Secret Weapon
The whole family was finally ready to head out the door.
After chasing around Ginny for almost 20 min we managed to pick out a pair of shoes she approved of before leading her to the car.
We were on our way to her school’s “Trunk or Treat” where the kids got to go car-to-car in a parking lot, run around with their friends in their costumes, and gobble up as much candy as possible.
I told my Dad we would meet him there around 1pm but it was already 1:30pm and we were scrambling. I grabbed her Halloween candy bag, my liquid eyeliner in case her cat whiskers needed a touch up, and threw my hair up in a messy bun when it happened, I sneezed.
Then I swore like a sailor. Because after I sneezed, I peed myself. Like I had done about a million times during this pregnancy. My pelvic floor was completely shot, shifting like the tectonic plates and I was met again with the uncomfortable decision to make us more late or run upstairs and change so I wouldn’t feel disgusting all day.
During the first trimester of this pregnancy my morning sickness was so bad, I would throw up three to five times a day. And to add insult to injury everytime I threw up, I also peed myself. I was constantly going through underwear, pants, and doing unnecessary loads of laundry. I felt like a woman coming undone- until the folks at Modibodi saw Year One and reached out to see if I wanted to try their new super absorbent maternity underwear.
Modibodi makes a super absorbent leak-resistant underwear that protects you from bleeding or incontinence. They use moisture-wicking, odor-fighting, breathable & tech savvy fabrics that hold up to 3-4 tampons worth of liquid.
I’m wearing the Modibodi Maternity Brief.
Every new mom should have a couple of pairs of these underwear. Whether you're just trying to get out the door for your daughter’s Trunk or Treat or unexpectedly get your period and want to stay dry, Modibodi is an incredible secret weapon for folks who need a little extra protection. I’m also really excited to try their new maternity Breastfeeding Bra that has special absorbent cups to keep you leak-free while breastfeeding, eliminating the need for disposable breast pads and having your clothes smell like sour milk all day.
Also, as someone who's trying to bring more authentic stories about motherhood into the world, I’m also loving Modibodi’s new collaboration with Getty Images called ‘EMBODIED: Postpartum Unfiltered’ where they are showing real images of postpartum life. Click here to check out how photographers from around the globe are showcasing a more honest and intimate look at the postpartum experience.
Try Modibodi for yourself and be sure to use my offer code YEARONE15 to get a 15% discount. This offer expires November 12, 2021.
*Discount code excludes bundles, gift cards, sale items. Excluding Maxi. Min spend $80 USD. US Only.
Let me know if you check them out, I’d love to hear which products make it into your cart!