How Your Support Changed My Life

Did you know up to 70% of new moms are experiencing some form of anxiety or depression according to new stats by The Motherhood Center?

While some days parenting through the pandemic has me feeling like I’m treading water, I feel grateful for the conversations all of us are having about how we want to live and work in the world. One way I want to contribute to that conversation is by normalizing and encouraging conversations around maternal mental health.

Having traveled around the world with Dream, Girl I know first hand how watching a film has the power to change the conversation in the room. Which is why I’m reopening my website’s e-commerce platform with the hopes you’ll bring Year One to your community for Maternal Mental Health Month in May.

For just $300 you can host your own digital or in-person movie night of Year One. In addition to receiving a download of the film, you will also get a PDF guidebook to facilitate these vital conversations with your community. Click here to book now.

  • For just $500 I will be a co-host for your digital event and be part of a Q&A, leading the discussion after the film on zoom. Click here to book now.

If you feel called to do an in-person event, I’m also happy to give you a quote. Take a look at my speaker deck to get more information about what that might look like.

The support you've given me to share my story has been life changing, and I want to pass that feeling on to other new moms who are struggling.

Here is what moms are saying about Year One:

  • “We say that we’re all in this together, but no one truly knows what we’re all going through. Thank you for this. One mama feels seen and a little less lonely today.” - Monica

  • “I just sobbed through this entire thing.” - Maria

Can you do me a favor and pass this on to one or two friends who you think might be interested in hosting a movie night and making space for conversations around maternal mental health?

Have any other ideas about how to get the word out about Year One? Don’t hesitate to reach out, my inbox is always open!

Thanks again,


Erin Bagwell